Easily build onchain products at scale

Startups and Fortune 500 companies use Syndicate’s APIs and infrastructure to build highly scalable, user-friendly, web3-powered products with their existing stack.

the Syndicate tech stack

Easy to use

APIs to build exceptional onchain experiences

Your Web3-Powered Application

Syndicate APIs + Webhooks

the Syndicate tech stack


Advanced onchain capabilities in a few lines of code

Without Syndicate (~90 lines)
1const MINT_TXS_TO_RUN = 50
2const chain = polygonMumbai
3const privateKey = generatePrivateKey()
4const account = privateKeyToAccount(privateKey)
6function encrypt(text: string, key: string) {
7 const iv = crypto.randomBytes(16);
8 const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-gcm', key, iv);
9 let encrypted = cipher.update(text, 'utf8', 'hex');
10 encrypted += cipher.final('hex');
11 const authTag = cipher.getAuthTag().toString('hex');
12 return {
13 iv: iv.toString('hex'),
14 encryptedData: encrypted,
15 authTag: authTag,
16 };
19function decrypt(encryptedObj, key) {
20 const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(
21 'aes-256-gcm',
22 key,
23 Buffer.from(encryptedObj.iv, 'hex')
24 );
25 decipher.setAuthTag(Buffer.from(encryptedObj.authTag, 'hex'));
26 let decrypted = decipher.update(
27 encryptedObj.encryptedData,
28 'hex',
29 'utf8'
30 );
31 decrypted += decipher.final('utf8');
32 return decrypted;
35await db.create({
36 address: account.address,
37 privateKey: encrypt(privateKey, "SECRET"),
38 nonce: 0
41const { privateKey: walletPrivateKey, nonce } = await db.find({
42 where: { address: '0x2Fc617E933a52713247CE25730f6695920B3befe' }
44const walletAccount = privateKeyToAccount(decrypt(walletPrivateKey, "SECRET"))
45const client = createPublicClient({
46 chain,
47 transport: http("https://rpc.alchemy.com")
49const wallet = createWalletClient({
50 chain,
51 transport: http("https://rpc.alchemy.com")
54let nextNonce = nonce
55for (let i = 0; i < MINT_TXS_TO_RUN; i++) {
56 const { request } = await client.simulateContract({
57 abi,
58 account: walletAccount,
59 address: "0xB4e8589B747410858E227E68503E0142Ded1Aa3F",
60 functionName: 'mintTo',
61 args: ["0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045"]
62 })
63 const hash = await wallet.writeContract(request)
64 const transaction = await client.getTransactionReceipt({
65 hash
66 })
67 if (transaction.status === 'success') {
68 await db.update({
69 where: { address: walletAccount.address },
70 data: {
71 nonce: nextNonce
72 }
73 })
74 nextNonce++
75 } else if (transaction.status === 'reverted') {
76 const { request: retryRequest } = await client.simulateContract({
77 abi,
78 account: walletAccount,
79 address: "0xB4e8589B747410858E227E68503E0142Ded1Aa3F",
80 functionName: 'mintTo',
81 args: ["0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045"]
82 })
83 const retryHash = await wallet.writeContract(retryRequest)
84 const retryTx = await client.getTransactionReceipt({
85 hash: retryHash
86 })
87 if (retryTx.status === 'success') {
88 await db.update({
89 where: { address: walletAccount.address },
90 data: {
91 nonce: nextNonce
92 }
93 })
94 nextNonce++
95 }
96 }
With Syndicate
1import { SyndicateClient } from "@syndicateio/syndicate-node";
3const syndicate = new SyndicateClient({ token })
5const tx = await syndicate.transact.sendTransaction({
6 projectId,
7 contractAddress,
8 chainId,
9 functionSignature,
10 args: {
11 ...
12 },


Transaction Cloud

A screen of transactions using Syndicate's TCP API

Simple REST APIs for transactions at 100x scale

Send 5K+ transactions onchain per second — while handling nonce conflicts, gas spikes, re-orgs, dropped transactions, and more.

Transaction Broadcasting

Send unlimited transactions to any EVM chain—Syndicate handles all of the complexity

Autoscaling Transaction Wallets & Managed Gas

Wallets that adapt to traffic volume—increasing throughput and reducing gas costs

Real-Time Transaction Alerts

Build highly responsive apps that instantly react to chain state—eliminating indexer delays

Cryptographic Signing & Attestations

Break into the multi-chain world using Syndicate signatures that validate state across EVMs

Onchain Metadata Service

Tokens on mainnet, and NFT metadata on L2s—achieve scale without sacrificing composability

Send a transaction in 5 mins


Ultra Low-Cost, Powerful L3s

A screen of transactions using Syndicate's TCP API

EVM L3 chains with next-gen developer tools

Launch an L3 with near-zero gas fees for your app or ecosystem—unlock smart gas subsidies, native gas tokens, data oracles, precompiles, and more.

Near-Zero Gas Fees

Enable ultra low gas fees via alt data availability, making the chain near free for users and developers

Smart Gas Subsidies & Taxes

Subsidize specific developers, applications, contracts, users, and transactions—and tax others

Native Gas Tokens & Precompiles

Customize the native gas token for your chain—and add powerful precompiles for developers

Cross-Chain Data Oracles

Add oracles to write data to your L3 based on onchain and offchain listeners

L3 Infrastructure Support

Get hands-on support with all of the supporting infrastructure required to make L3s usable

Launch an L3


Dynamic, Modular Smart Contracts

Smart contracts that evolve & grow with products

Use Syndicate’s battle-tested smart contract architecture that can grow with your product—eliminating costly migrations.

Modular Architecture

Leverage Syndicate’s architecture to upgrade any element of your token's logic

Infinite Customizations

Use one of Syndicate’s 25+ formally verified smart contract modules—or write your own

Dynamic Modifications

Upgrade your contract as your product grows—avoid lock-ins and costly migrations

Advanced Permissions

Specify fine-grained permissions to protect your smart contract, product, and users

Designed for Scale

Optimize throughput and data consistency by integrating your contract with Syndicate’s APIs

ERC-721M/20M Docs



$0 / Month

Up to 5 million transactions
Up to 2 projects & 2 EVM chains
Access to free Transaction Cloud features, including Transaction Broadcasting, Dynamic NFT Metadata, Signing & Attestations, and Webhooks
Get started for free


Custom Pricing

Unlimited projects, transactions, and chains
Access to all Transaction Cloud features, including Managed Gas
White-glove L3 configuration
Premium throughput
Access to Dynamic Smart Contracts
Priority support
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